Inconsitancies, lies and contrived processes
I am deeply saddened from the news I just read in an email I received from Freeholder Little(link to MMM). Even more concerning is the post from our chairman(link to MR site).
Freeholder Little did hold the line on this screening process and not for her own benefit. It would have been easier for her just to go along like everyone else. She stood up and questioned the process. She has a backbone. For that she has been publicly criticized and scorned. Freeholder Little decided not to go through the screening process because of the contract. This contract was so poorly contrived that she would not let a client sign it. I have read it, I would not sign it. (Ask Bill Seward for a copy if you want a good read).
OK, get ready for a little RANT here. I apologize in advance for any one offended by my comments. I know if the Chairman knew who I was, I would be "Kicked" out, after all I am one of those "Dissenting" Voices.
Today in the APP, a reference was made to a soft deadline that Freeholder Little had not responded to.
"GOP Chairman Adam Puharic said Little has missed a "soft deadline" for submitting paperwork for a background check and agreeing to other party rules."
Hmm sounds like that contract to me.
Today the Chairmans Response to Freeholder Little's announcement:
"In her comments, she will claim that the candidate agreement our party asked candidates to sign is the sole reason she is leaving our party – but nothing could be further from the truth. She did not have to sign it, and I told her this."
Wow, the rules changed again.
Adam also made another change to the rules (major insight here)
"On March 3, our screening committee will convene to select two Freeholder candidates among a qualified pool of four great Republicans, including Freeholder Robert Clifton, Ocean Twp. Councilman David Hiers, Marlboro Council President Jeff Kantor, and Spring Lake Councilman Brian Reilly. Freeholder Clifton has publicly supported this process, along with all of the Assembly and Senate candidates. They deserve our support and our unity."
So the Republican Committee will not be able to choice between the 4 candidate, we will get handed two. Which two?? I hope Freeholder Clifton can make it. No vote I guess, only voice acclamation.
"Truth be told, Anna Little was not living up to her promises when she ran for office. She has proven ineffective in reforming county government, and instead attacks her fellow Republican Freeholders. She has not lived up to her responsibility as a party leader. Instead of being an active part of the 2006 campaign, Anna’s supporters organized into a counter-organization known as “Anna’s Army.” They met independently of the true campaign, making decisions counter-productive to her great running mates Andrew Lucas and Rosemarie Peters. They made independent campaign expenditures without consulting their running mates."
OUCH Mr. Chairman... I will gather the FACTS on this and make them public. Are you sure you want to open this can of worms? I believe Mr. Rasta used the Term "Anna's Army", are you sure you are not related. This is a convenient way for you to NOT to take responsibility for the loss of a freeholder seat. Blame someone else.
Mr. chairman, last I checked Rasta was undermining our party. Where were you when attacks were made against her family. Where were you when party leaders were spreading baseless rumors about her??
"As a result, I will honor her request and I remove her for consideration as a Freeholder candidate in 2007. Despite her attempts to undermine her running mates, Monmouth County Republicans like Claire French, Joe Kyrillos, Sean Kean, and Jennifer Beck will prevail in the fall."
No one is "Undermining" anyone but YOU. You undermined her candidacy from the day that she won the election. You told people on the screening committee that you could not work with her and that Mr. Lucas would not fund raise for her. You set up a screening committee that would never let her pass through to the convention.
"And last night, Anna’s supporters attempted a quiet boycott of Lincoln Day in a poor attempt at protest. Instead this backfired, with over 500 Republicans of good cheer replacing them without much effort. This party is moving on. We have moved past the angry scowls and negative spin of an agenda-driven cabal."
Mr. chairman, the reason many of the supporters did not show up was not to "Boycott" anyone but YOU. I asked a friend that was not going this year, the answer was simple. "I am disgusted with Adam."
Mr. chairman (and I use that word loosely) Did you read Freeholder Little's Statement before you wrote yours? She is "Evaluating" her candidacy. I see nothing about running a primary or as an Independent or as a Democrat.
"Tonight, I received word from the Asbury Park Press that Anna Little has decided not to seek our great Republican Party endorsement, and instead is considering to run off the line in a primary or has even hinted at switching parties. Switching parties? This is an outrage to every good Republican – over 550 of us who attended Lincoln Day last night -- that she would betray our hard work, use the election victory we all worked towards together, and throw all of it away for her personal glory."
Freeholder Little Said:
"I will continue to serve as a Monmouth County Freeholder for the remainder of this year, and I am in the process of evaluating other alternatives for my candidacy for re-election."
The only person "throwing it away" is You by creating a contrived and controlled screening process. You for personally recruiting candidates to "screen" against our incumbents. YOU for NOT standing up to the dark forces in our party and NOT doing what is right.
"Voices" did not destroy our party, your poorly planned and executed actions have.
There is more to this story, Little was looking to jump ship for months. Most of the complainers really want to argue over who is chairman. Just remember, it was Bill Dowd that got us into this situation by allowing freeholders to stay on the board, long after they should have stepped down. The party is suffering from a lack of orderly transition in power.
In the wake of Operation Bid Rig, the Monmouth GOP had really taken a black eye. We need to pull together and reject Jim Purcell, other Democrats and outsiders; whose goal is to weaken the party, so they can get their candidates elected.
Mr BS Rastaman,
First, Are you related to M Rastaman? Might I suggest you change your name.
Second, What proof do you have that Freeholder Little was looking to "Jump Ship"? According to all my sources, she loves her job as freeholder and is only there to make a difference. If she does run off the line it is only because she has been that "turned off" by the Monmouth GOP.
The problem for the old guard is that Freeholder Little had emerged as a true leader in freehold. All of my research has clarified that there was a concerted effort by the chairman and his henchmen to get her out of there. Director Barham was a big part of this push. (as much as it saddens me to say that) The screening committee was set up to get rid of her. I have confirmed that with close contacts to both the director and the chairman.
I supported the chairman last year, he was my choice. I thought he would do the right things for the party. I am extremely disappointed in his behavior. He is acting like a spoiled 6th grader.
If you have PROOF of your statements, please email to me at my email account. I will add them to my growing archive of material and research it further.
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